if you have the attention span of a 5 year old boy with ADD this survey is for you! If you like hot girls who are a total mess this survey is REALLY for you and if you have always wanted to tell the world who you think is the most scientifically proven train wreck since Paula Abdul left America’s Next Manufactured Pop Star.. this survey is going to be the best thing that ever happened to you. 

Not only that but taking this survey is proven to increase your IQ AND your productivity by 20% and yOUR opinion makes all the difference in the world! Without you, these survey results might as well sit in the place where you put your junk mail to get recycled, but never get around to it so you end up with a giant pile of useless paper in your house that you don’t have the heart to throw out because you are against wasting trees.
Not only that, but since you’re supposed to vote soon this awesome, amazing, excellent survey has been made just for you to give you some much needed practice. You’ll get a pin that says I VOTED AND you’ll be the envy of all your friends.

OH and unlike the real voting booths.. your opinions are actually welcome.. even if you’re from FLORIDA!. 



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